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Mitigation Instructions for Drupal 6.x End of Life

Mitigation Instructions for Drupal 6.x End of Life

SUBJECT: Mitigating Drupal 6.x End of Life (EoL) Vulnerabilities


DATE(S) ISSUED: 09/29/2023

NVD Last Modified: 11/02/2023



This document outlines necessary actions to mitigate vulnerabilities associated with the end-of-life (EoL) status of Drupal 6.x. The Drupal 6.x version, as installed on the remote host, is unsupported, meaning it no longer receives security patches or updates from the developers. Consequently, websites running on Drupal 6.x may be exposed to unaddressed security vulnerabilities, posing a critical risk.


Upgrade Drupal: The primary recommendation is to upgrade to a currently supported version of Drupal. The upgrade process involves:

  1. Preparation: Back up your website, including files and databases, before starting the upgrade process.
  2. Assessment: Evaluate the compatibility of your current themes, modules, and custom code with the latest Drupal version.
  3. Upgrade Path: Follow the recommended upgrade path:
    • From Drupal 6.x, first upgrade to the latest Drupal 7.x version.
    • From Drupal 7.x, upgrade to Drupal 8.x or 9.x, following the specific migration path provided by Drupal.

Update Themes and Modules: Ensure that all themes and modules are updated to versions compatible with the new Drupal core. This may require replacing deprecated modules with their modern equivalents.

Security Review: Post-upgrade, conduct a security review of your site. Utilize tools like the Drupal security review module to identify and mitigate any potential security issues.

Continuous Monitoring: Implement ongoing security monitoring and update practices to ensure the site remains secure against new vulnerabilities.

Alternative Solutions:

  • Temporary Measures: If immediate upgrade is not feasible, consider implementing additional security measures such as a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to mitigate potential risks.
  • Migration: For sites where upgrading within Drupal is not viable, consider migrating to an alternative CMS that meets your current needs and security requirements.


  • Verify the successful upgrade of Drupal by checking the version number in the administrative panel.
  • Regularly review Drupal’s security advisories and apply recommended updates and patches promptly.


This guide serves as a starting point for mitigating risks associated with running an unsupported version of Drupal. It's crucial to adapt and extend these recommendations based on the specific needs and configurations of your Drupal installation.



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Mitigation Instructions for Drupal SEoL (6.x)

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