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Mitigation Instructions for PHP versions 5.4.x < 5.4.38 Multiple Vulnerabilities (GHOST)

Mitigation Instructions for PHP versions 5.4.x < 5.4.38 Multiple Vulnerabilities (GHOST)

PHP 5.4.x < 5.4.38 Multiple Vulnerabilities (GHOST) Report 


Executive Summary

This report details critical vulnerabilities identified in PHP versions prior to 5.4.38, impacting the security and stability of web applications. These issues include heap-based buffer overflows and a use-after-free vulnerability, posing risks of denial of service (DoS) attacks or arbitrary code execution. Immediate action is required to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Detailed Analysis

  • CVE-2014-9705: A vulnerability in the enchant_broker_request_dict function within ext/enchant/enchant.c leads to a heap-based buffer overflow. Attackers could exploit this flaw to execute arbitrary code or trigger a DoS condition.

  • CVE-2015-0235 (GHOST): This critical flaw stems from a heap-based buffer overflow in the GNU C Library (glibc), affecting functions __nss_hostname_digits_dots(), gethostbyname(), and gethostbyname2(). It allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a DoS condition through improperly validated input.

  • CVE-2015-0273: A use-after-free issue in php_date_timezone_initialize_from_hash() within ext/date/php_date.c can be exploited to access sensitive information or cause application crashes.

Impact Assessment

  • Severity: Critical
  • Risk Factors: These vulnerabilities can be remotely exploited without authentication, leading to potential compromise of system integrity, confidentiality, and availability.
  • CVSS Scores:
    • CVSS v2 Base Score: 10 (Critical)
    • CVSS v3 Base Score: 9.8 (Critical)

Mitigation Strategies

  • Upgrade Requirement: It is crucial to upgrade to PHP version 5.4.38 or later to resolve these vulnerabilities.
  • Security Best Practices: Implement regular security assessments and patch management protocols to promptly address newly discovered vulnerabilities.
  • Monitoring and Response: Enhance surveillance of systems running PHP to detect signs of exploitation attempts or successful breaches.

References and Resources


Given the critical nature of these vulnerabilities and their potential to compromise web applications severely, we urge IT and security teams to prioritize these patches. Ensuring web servers are running updated versions of PHP is essential for maintaining the security and reliability of your digital infrastructure.

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