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Mitigation Instructions for CVE-2000- 0535

Mitigation Instructions for CVE-2000- 0535

SUBJECT:  CVE-2000-0535 Mitigation Instructions

TECH STACK: OpenSSL 0.9.4, OpenSSH, Alpha systems (FreeBSD 4.0 and 5.0)

DATE(S) ISSUED: 06/12/2000

NVD Last Modified: 09/10/2008

CRITICALITY: Medium (CVSS v2 score: 5.0)


This document provides mitigation instructions for the vulnerability CVE-2000-0535, which affects OpenSSL 0.9.4 and OpenSSH for FreeBSD on Alpha systems. This vulnerability allows attackers to generate weak keys, making systems more susceptible to attacks.

 The vulnerable software fails to check for the existence of /dev/random or /dev/urandom devices, absent on Alpha systems. This leads to weak key generation, making systems vulnerable to attacks.


Primary Mitigation:

  1. Upgrade: Upgrading to a non-vulnerable version of OpenSSL and OpenSSH is the strongly recommended solution. Consult the official vendor resources for the latest secure versions. Additional Mitigation if upgrading is not immediate.
  2. Risk Assessment

It is crucial to understand that while the document was published in 2000, it doesn't necessarily reflect the current threat landscape. However, if you are still using:

  1. FreeBSD on Alpha systems
  2. OpenSSL 0.9.4
  3. OpenSSH with this specific vulnerability

Your system is highly susceptible to attacks due to weak key generation. Upgrading to the latest secure versions is critical to mitigate this risk.

Confirmation & Additional Information:

  • CVE-2000-0535 poses a significant security risk to outdated systems. Upgrading to the latest secure versions of OpenSSL and OpenSSH is the only effective mitigation strategy. If immediate upgrade is not feasible, consult security professionals for alternative risk mitigation strategies. Remember, outdated systems pose a significant security risk and should be addressed promptly.


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