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Mitigation Instructions for Addressing OpenSSL prior to 0.9.6e or 0.9.7-beta3

Mitigation Instructions for Addressing OpenSSL prior to 0.9.6e or 0.9.7-beta3

SUBJECT: Mitigating OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: Buffer Overflow Risks


DATE(S) ISSUED: 07/30/2002

NVD Last Modified: 06/12/2020


OVERVIEW: This document provides guidance on addressing critical vulnerabilities in versions of OpenSSL prior to 0.9.6e or 0.9.7-beta3. The affected OpenSSL versions are susceptible to a buffer overflow vulnerability that could permit an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the remote host under the privileges of the application. Immediate action is required to mitigate this high-risk factor and ensure system integrity.


  • Upgrade OpenSSL: It is strongly recommended to update to OpenSSL version 0.9.6e / 0.9.7beta3 or newer. This upgrade resolves the buffer overflow issue and closes the door to potential exploit attempts targeting this vulnerability.

Additional mitigation steps:

  • Review Application Privileges: Ensure that applications using OpenSSL do not operate with elevated privileges, limiting the potential impact of an exploit.
  • Monitor Network Traffic: Keep an eye on network traffic for unusual patterns that may indicate an attempt to exploit this vulnerability.
  • Apply Principle of Least Privilege: Restrict system and network access to only what is necessary for operations, minimizing the potential damage of a compromise.

Confirmation & Additional Information:

  • Confirm that OpenSSL has been successfully updated to a secure version.
  • Stay informed on OpenSSL updates and apply security patches promptly.
  • For further details and updates, refer to CVE entries: CVE-2000-0535, CVE-2001-1141, CVE-2002-0655, CVE-2002-0656, CVE-2002-0657, CVE-2002-0659.

Reference Information:

  • Risk Information: High Risk (VPR Score: 7.0), Critical (CVSS v2 Base Score: 10)
  • Patch Publication Date: 07/30/2002
  • Vulnerability Publication Date: 07/10/2001
  • Exploit Availability: True. Exploits for these vulnerabilities are known to be available.
  • Mitigation urgency: Given the critical nature of these vulnerabilities, upgrading OpenSSL should be prioritized to protect against potential exploits.
  • OpenSSL Downloads https://www.openssl.org/source/
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